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Pour-Over Coffee maker Swan

Pour-Over Coffee maker Swan

Regular price $28.00
Regular price $57.00 Sale price $28.00
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SKU: AC0118001


The Swan Pour-Over Coffee Maker is ecological and economical! No purchase of paper filters required thanks to its permanent laser perforation stainless steel filter.

Coffee at its best!

1. Coffee Grind Suggested Grind: Medium

* Grind bigger for a lighter taste.

* Grind plus one for a strong, slightly bitter taste.

2. Dosage per cup One round tablespoon of ground coffee per 175 ml of hot water.

3. Pre-brewing - Hatching the coffee Pour a small amount over the coffee grounds and wait 15 seconds for the coffee to bloom (small bubbles will form) to release the flavors trapped in the coffee. Ideal temperature: 93-95 ºC.

4. Infusion Slowly pour the rest of the hot water over the coffee. As the water level drops, continue to pour the water over the coffee which remains stuck to the sides of the filter.

5. Dispose of the coffee grounds Dispose of the coffee grounds in your compost bin or use as fertilizer.

6. Take time to enjoy Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your cup and sip.

Dishwasher safe.

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